Christian Valley Trail

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North of Bogey Peak  officially known as Mt Obama are three variations of trail forming this hike. You can discus the options on the day or the guide will decide which will be best considering the weather etc.

Hike Features : Diverse fauna, spectacular views of Antigua’s South West, suitable for a good range of abilities.

Cost Per Person : $50 (without transportation)
Hike Duration : 2-3 hours
Transportation : Can be provided at extra charge to be discussed.
Hike Difficulty Level : Moderate exertion most people will be fine
Clothing Required : Trainers and Stronger Hiking shoes required

You Bring : water, sunscreen and a sense of adventure ! 

Arrange this hike by submitting your interest below. Simply state your date how many people and any requests like transportation or special requirements.

Why take a guide to hike in Antigua ?
The answer to this could be that often the trails are not clear and you will almost certainly get frustrated by the lack of clarity on your hike. Also a guide will inform you of the flora and fauna and can help arrange your drop off and pick up. It is expensive to organise transport in Antigua especially if you travel alone. If you are injured which is not at all likely you have local help at hand.